On March 4, 2025, the Olympiad among students in the discipline “Personal property and non-property relations in family law" was held.

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  • On March 4, 2025, the Olympiad among students in the discipline “Personal property and non-property relations in family law" was held.
  • 04.03.2025

On March 4, 2025, the Olympiad among students in the discipline “Personal property and non-property relations in family law" was held.

Olympiad Report

On March 4, 2025, the Olympiad among students in the discipline “Personal property and non-property relations in family law" was held. The main purpose of the Olympiad is to test students' theoretical knowledge in the field of family law, develop practical skills and assess their ability to apply legislative norms.

The competition was attended by students of group 5 (KT-01,02,03,04,05-KB-23), studying at the Kazakh Faculty of Law. The Olympiad consisted of several stages, including sections such as test questions, situational tasks, and team assignments.

Sovetzhan Argynbayevich, Gulnapisa Zhandarovna, Dina Talgatovna participated as members of the jury. The jury evaluated the students' answers fairly, taking into account their legal thinking abilities, logical analysis skills and the possibility of applying legal norms in practice.

According to the results of the Olympiad, the prizes were distributed as follows:

1st place: Shanyrak (KT-05-KB-23)

2nd place: Alash (KT-03-KB-23)

3rd place: Zanger (KT-04-KB-23)

In general, the Olympiad was organized at a high level, which made it possible to improve the knowledge and qualifications of students. The participants deepened their knowledge of law and gained experience. Such knowledge contests make a great contribution to improving the professional level of future lawyers.

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