Scientific school of Jalairi O.Sh.

SCIENCE SCHOOL of Academician of the Higher School, Teacher's Training Academy, Doctor of Law, Professor Jalairi Omiralі Shakarapuly on Constitutional Law

Regulations on the Scientific School of Kunayev University

Regulations on the Scientific School

The scientific school of Professor Jalairi O.Sh. has the purpose of studying the problems that inevitably arise as relevant to the history of the state and law of Kazakhstan, the theory of state and law, branches of constitutional, administrative, international law. In this regard, the most important feature of the activities of this school are new approaches in comprehension of modern problems of development of society, state, and law. According to this need, the main scientific direction became the study of the problems of statehood in the world political space in the conditions of globalization, taking into account the peculiarities of the formation and development of the Kazakh statehood.

The representatives of this scientific school are colleagues, students of Jalairi Omirali Shakarapuly. An important indicator of the scientific school of Doctor of Law, Professor Jalairi Omiralі Shakarapuly is the multifaceted research of the members of the scientific team. The broad approach inherent in the scientific school allows taking into account the originality of research of scientists working under the guidance of Jalairi O.Sh., to coordinate the programs of specialized and profiling departments. Thus, the school has an interdisciplinary character.


Academician of the Higher School, Doctor of Law, Professor Jalairi Omiralі Shakarapuly

Jalairi Omiralі Shakarapuly began his scientific and pedagogical activity as an assistant of the Law Faculty of KazGU named after S.M. Kirov, head of the department of "Constitutional and Administrative Law" of KazGU, and then the creator of one of the first private universities in the Republic and its permanent head, now known as the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunayev. He went through all the main stages of his development as a major legal scholar and an outstanding organizer.

Omiralі Shakarapuly occupies a special place in the pleiad of modern progressively thinking public figures of our country. He is an honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honorary citizen of Eskeldi, Kerbulak districts and Almaty oblast.

His accomplishments in this field include:

In 2001, the Joint Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral and candidate's theses was opened in the Academy, where Omiralі Shakarapuly was the permanent chairman of the DC for ten years.

Since 2003, Professor Jalairi has been a member of the Legal Policy Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and takes an active part in discussing the issues of relevance for the whole country in building Kazakhstan as a truly rule-of-law state. In 2005, the Republican Association "Lawyers for Fair Elections" was formed, and Jalairi Omiralі Shakarapuly was elected as the Chairman of the Board of the Association, as well as the Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Committee for Control over the Election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty oblast.

In 2007, at the stage of constitutional reform, Professor Jalairi was a member of the Working Group for the development of amendments and additions to the current Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2017, Professor Jalairi was appointed as a member of the Working Commission on the redistribution of powers between the branches of state power. Professor Jalairi is the President of the Kazakhstan Criminological Association and the representative of Central Asia and Kazakhstan in the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists of Russia, a member of the International Union of Lawyers.

Under his guidance, 5 doctoral dissertations and more than 70 candidate theses were successfully defended.

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List of those who defended theses under the supervision of Omiralі Shakarapuly

Author of more than 100 scientific articles, textbooks, manuals, and monographs on various topical issues of legal science.

He is a corresponding member of Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences and Arts, academician of the Academy of Higher School Sciences of Kazakhstan, full member (academician) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan. Professor Jalairi, for his services to the national science and contribution to the development of national education, was awarded with orders, medals, breastplates: "Kurmet" order; honorary title and medal "Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; jubilee medals "To the 10th anniversary of the Constitution", "To the 15th anniversary of the Kazakhstan Police", "To the 20th anniversary of the Constitution", "To the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; medal of the Kyrgyz State Law Academy "UKUK"; order of the Russian Federation "Profit, Honor and Glory"; breastplates: "Excellent Educator of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "For Merits in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", as well as letters of appreciation from the President of the RoK, diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RoK and other state authorities.

Directions of the scientific school

Improving the organization of legal education in the country.

The direction of this research process is the global social problem underlying the transformation of the content of all components of education in accordance with the goals of humanization and democratization of our society. This requires high general education training of the whole population, associated with the formation of new thinking, increasing the creative activity of a person. These changes require new scientific research, concepts, technologies in the educational process according to the new challenges of time. The problems of personal development are actualized in connection with its access to the Internet, which, of course, is associated with the impact on the consciousness and thinking, character and activities of a person. In this regard, the importance of legal education as a more effective and constructive tool to influence all its participants cannot be underestimated. Accordingly, new requirements to the organization and content of legal science and legal education. Proceeding from the autonomy and academic freedom of the university, based on the acceptable international experience, to develop recommendations for improving the system of legal education according to the needs of public development of the individual, society, and the state.

Study of the modern constitutional process in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main directions of research should be the objective and subjective circumstances that formed the basis of the constitutional-legal development of our country.

In the course of the study to establish the real results of the effectiveness of the principles of civil society and the rule of law, respectively, to develop recommendations for the further development of the constitutional and legal foundations of the state, strengthening the rule of law, the basis of which is a more complete provision of human rights, freedoms and responsibilities.

Kazakhstan in the context of globalization.

Globalization at present is a complex and contradictory process. On the one hand, the need to consolidate countries and peoples, on the other hand, contradictions with the potential for civil struggles and international conflicts.

Therefore, in the conditions of globalization, the subject of research should be the issues of preservation and development of the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity of Kazakhstan and positioning of the country in terms of ensuring reliable, friendly partnership relations with the outside world.

To give a political and legal assessment of the activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan to promote its initiatives to develop new thinking on strengthening interaction between all peoples and states necessary to overcome social and economic, political, and legal, environmental shocks.

The Academy has wide cooperation ties with universities of many countries. The spheres of interaction are the exchange of scientific knowledge, exchange of experience of scientific schools, promotion of interaction of students from different countries at the level of scientific - student events.

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