Involvement of foreign scientists

Involvement of foreign scientists in Kunayev University

Within the framework of the program "Involvement of foreign scientists in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Kunayev University annually invites scientists of partner universities to give lectures, seminars, trainings, workshops, master classes, courses, consultations for students and to supervise the scientific works of masters and doctoral students. Also, involvement of foreign scientists is carried out for the purpose of professional development and advanced training of the teaching staff of the University.

To date, the following persons have been invited:

Andrzej Bisztyga – D.J.S., Professor at Katowic Business University (Katowice, Poland).

Lectures: "Theoretical and doctrinal foundations of territorial self-government in Europe". Lectures on the discipline "Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries"

Stefan Dyrka – D.J.S., Professor at Katowic Business University (Katowice, Poland).

"Building intellectual and human capital in organizations as a basis for development", "The impact of globalization on the transformation of national economies", "The role of human capital in the development of the global economy". Lectures on the discipline "Strategic Management".

Mukhamedjanov Amanulla Zakirovich – D.J.S., Professor at Tashkent State Law University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

Lectures: "Comparative historical and legal characteristics of the countries of Central Asia", "Islamic law and Shariah norms in the history of the countries of Central Asia", "Comparative analysis of the provisions of the Constitutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Alper Uyumaz – D.J.S., Associate Professor of Law faculty of Selcuk University.

Lectures: "Actual problems of legal systems: international legal analysis and practice", "Legal support of state and business activities in the digital economy", "Actual problems of criminal legislation: international legal analysis and practice".

Shurubu Kayhan – D.H.S., Professor at Istanbul Culture University.

Lectures: "Folk culture of Turkic-speaking populations".

Kleiberg Yuriy Aleksandrovich – D.P.S., D.J.S., Professor, President of the Academy of National Education and Science.

Lectures: "Actual criminological and deviantological problems".

Gusyakov Vyacheslav Yuriyevich – C.J.S., Associate Professor at Samara National Research University named after S.P. Korolev.

Lectures on the discipline "Civil Procedure Law".

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