
Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunayev announces a competition to fill vacant full-time positions of professors for the academic year of 2023-2024 in the following educational programs:


“Subjects of Civil Law” Department

6B04201 - "Legal Studies"; 6В04204 – "Judicial Law Enforcement", 8D04202 – "Theoretical Jurisprudence"; to "Civil Law Disciplines" department on educational programs:

1. D.J.S., Professor1
2. C.J.S., Associate Professor5
3. C.J.S., Senior Lecturer2
4. C.J.S., Teacher1

"Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Activity" Department

6В12301 – Law enforcement activity, 6В04201 – Law, 6В12302 – Investigative and forensic activity, 6В04207 – Judicial and prosecutorial activity, 6В04210 – "Criminal law subjects and legal foundations", which are taught in the educational programs of "IT-lawyer":

1. D.J.S., Professor1
2. C.J.S., Senior Lecturer2
3. PhD, Senior Lecturer3
4. M.J.S., Senior Lecturer3
5. M.J.S., Teacher2

“Constitutional, International Law and Customs Affairs” Department

6В04202 – International Law, 6В04208 – International Law, International Lawyer with knowledge of two foreign languages, 6В04203 – Customs Affairs, 6В04209 – Customs clearance and customs control

1. D.J.S., Professor1
2. C.J.S., Professor1
3. C.J.S., Associate Professor2
4. C.J.S., Senior Lecturer2
5. C.J.S., Teacher2

“Economics and General Education Subjects” Department

6В04101 — Finance, 6В04102 – State and local administration educational programs

1. C.E.S.2
2. D.E.S.1
3. M.E.S.2
4. PhD 1

In all areas of study at the Academy:


1. Candidate of Philological Sciences (Russian language teacher)1
2. Master’s degree in Philological Sciences (Russian language teacher)1
3. Doctor/Candidate of Psychological Sciences1
4. Master’s degree in Psychological Sciences1
5. Doctor/Candidate of Technical Sciences1
6. Master’s degree in Technical Sciences1
7. Doctor/Candidate of Philosophical Sciences1
8. Master’s degree in Philosophical Sciences1
9. Candidate of Historical Sciences1


Requirements for candidates:

— Candidate of Science or Doctor of Science in the relevant discipline;

— Professional certificate (72 hours);

— Minimum 5 years of work at university;

— Computer skills;

— аKnowledge of English language.

Deadline for submission of applications - 06.06.2023. Applications for participation will be accepted at the following address: Almaty, Kurmangazy str., bld. 107, 5th floor, office 501 (HR department), tel.: 3507888(251). Email:,

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