To Graduates

Academy Graduates' Association

The main activities of the "Graduates' Association":

  • cooperation with graduates;
  • cooperation with employers;
  • training of qualified law professionals who are competitive in the labor market;
  • work with students, master's students.

The Graduates' Association of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunayev was organized on the initiative of the Academy's graduates in 2015. All bachelor's and master's degree graduates of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunayev can become members of the Graduates' Association. The Graduates' Association which functions for the purpose of mutual cooperation of graduates of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunayev in the field of realization and protection of cultural, creative, material and social rights and freedoms, developing activity and self-activity of our graduates cooperating with employers, students and master's students of our academy for their further employment and career development.

Charter of the Academy's Graduates' Association


Names and positions of notable students who have been trained and have achieved success in career or government positions

List of successful graduates

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