The activities of the Business and Management preparation program confirm the desire and ability to integrate into the global educational space, when the quality of education becomes the most important factor in the competitiveness of the university and its graduates, and is implemented through plans for educational, methodological, research and educational work.
Before the «Business and Management preparation program, in August 2015, the «EaGED» was formed by merging the Departments of «Finance and Accounting», «Economics and IT», and «Social, Humanitarian and Language Disciplines» and operates on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council and the order of the Rector «On the optimization of the organizational structure».
Since September 2024, the Department of « EaGED» has been renamed into the preparation direction "Business and Management". Today, the preparation direction "6B041 - Business and Management" is one of the leading ones, providing preparation in the educational programs:
6B04101 – Finance;
6В04102 - State and local government.
Our activities are aimed at providing professional preparation of highly qualified specialists for the real sector of the economy, government bodies; formation of basic competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of finance, state and local government, formation of communicative competence in future specialists, development of interest in fundamental knowledge in students.
Competitive advantages:
- The best modern educational methods are used in teaching, including game processes, business games, trainings, as well as a combination of individual and team work. Representatives of employers take an active part in the implementation of the educational process.
- Education using dual preparation, which provides the acquisition of skills in working at employers (JSC Bank Center Credit, the Office of the Akim of the Bostandyk District of Almaty, the Professional Organization of Accountants "Association of Certified Professional Accountants", «1С-Сапа и Слава КВЦ», the Department of State Revenues for the city of Almaty, etc.).
- There is a specialized office "1C Accounting" fully equipped with computers and software "1C Accounting 8.3". In this office, students study the 1C Accounting program and perform all accounting operations at the enterprise, the official distributor which is the company "1C-Sapa and Slava KVC". Thanks to this cooperation, our students have the opportunity to pass the "1C Professional" certification and receive a free certificate, which is in demand for employment.
- Preparation of students on academic mobility (Azerbaijan State University of Economics UNEC; Baku State University; Istanbul Medipol University; Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn, etc.).
- In addition to the educational process, our students take online courses on the Coursera Qazaqstan platform, where they receive knowledge from professors, experts from world-famous universities and certificates upon completion of the course.
- According to the results of the rating of educational programs of universities of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" in 2025, the educational program 6B04102 - State and Local Government took 7th place among universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.