6В042/0420 Law

6В042/0420 Law

Level of education: Bachelor's degree

Educational programs:

  • 6В04201 Law
  • 6В04202 International Law
  • 6В04203 Customs Affairs
  • 6В04204 Judicial and human rights work
  • 6В04208 International Law, International Lawyer with knowledge of two foreign languages
  • 6В04210 IT-lawyer

Entrance tests (minimum score):

Mathematical literacy (5)

Reading literacy (5)

History of Kazakhstan (5)

Fundamentals of law (5)

World History (5)

Passing score: 75

Military Department (Departmental Certification Center): no

Cost of tuition for paid places :

Form of studyFull termAccelerated education
Full-time882 999 ₸/год-

Description of the training direction

6B04202 - «International Law»

The educational program "6B04202-International Law" promotes further growth of qualification of personnel in the field of international law with knowledge of foreign languages, which will expand opportunities for professional self-realization of graduates. The program involves in-depth study of international legal disciplines aimed at the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" on trilingualism. In this educational program special attention is paid to the formation of practical skills of diplomatic negotiations, skills to protect the state, personal property and non-property rights and interests of citizens and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan inside and outside the country; mediation in the consideration and resolution of legal disputes involving a foreign element, as well as negotiations on the preparation of draft commercial contracts.

Unique opportunities:

  • creating conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists who speak two foreign languages, covering, on the one hand, information on legal obligations;
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of public international law, private international law and national law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries;
  • knowledge of the main international legal problems of contemporary international law;
  • providing legal assistance, consulting on issues in the spheres of public and private legal relations, legal expertise of international treaties, acts of international organizations and internal normative legal acts;
  • ability to develop legal documents, to carry out legal expertise of international and national normative acts, to improve Kazakhstani legislation and bring it in line with the norms of international law;
  • mastering the techniques of preparing and conducting diplomatic negotiations, as well as negotiations on drafting commercial contracts; mastering the methods and techniques of specific research in the field of international law and international relations, including comparative and retrospective methods;
  • using knowledge of international law in order to solve international legal practical aspects of cases in future official legal activity in Kazakhstan and abroad.

We currently have agreements with 41 universities in 9 countries for academic mobility including:

  • 1.Bulgaria-Kazakhstan Education Forum - Bulgaria
  • 2.University of Economics - Czech Republic
  • 3.Katowice School of Economics – Poland
  • 4.Rezekne Higher School – Latvia
  • 5.Gansu University of Political Science and Law - PRC
  • 6.Yeni Yüzyıl University - Turkey
  • 7.Maltepe University - Turkey
  • 8.Moscow Academy of Economics and Law - Russia
  • 9.Tashkent State University - Tashkent

What will you do after graduation?

Lawyer, paralegal, attorney, assistant attorney, notary, judge, secretary of court sessions, prosecutor, legal consultant, arbitrator, mediator, investigator, specialist in akimats, Citizens Service Centers in the Department of Justice.

Where will you work?

Civil courts, advocacy, National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, criminal courts, arbitration, law firms, mediation centers, civil service, judicial authorities, law enforcement agencies, legal counsel in the field of law and Internet technologies, committee for the protection of intellectual property rights.

6В04208 - "International law, international lawyer with knowledge of two foreign languages"

Educational program 6B04208 - "International Law, International Lawyer with knowledge of two foreign languages" is a timely international legal model that aims to train qualified lawyers with knowledge of two foreign languages. The main objective of the program is to prepare graduates focused on the need for professional specialists with knowledge of two foreign languages with high qualifications, capable of developing and implementing strategies and objectives of foreign policy of any country, representing and defending the interests of states or companies in international forums, ensuring effective international cooperation between states and international organizations and consistency between international and national legislation.

Unique opportunities:

  • creating conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists who speak two foreign languages, covering, on the one hand, information on legal obligations;
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of public international law, private international law and national law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries;
  • knowledge of the main international legal problems of contemporary international law;
  • providing legal assistance, consulting on issues in the spheres of public and private legal relations, legal expertise of international treaties, acts of international organizations and internal normative legal acts;
  • ability to develop legal documents, to carry out legal expertise of international and national normative acts, to improve Kazakhstani legislation and bring it in line with the norms of international law;
  • mastering the techniques of preparing and conducting diplomatic negotiations, as well as negotiations on drafting commercial contracts; mastering the methods and techniques of specific research in the field of international law and international relations, including comparative and retrospective methods;
  • using knowledge of international law in order to solve international legal practical aspects of cases in future official legal activity in Kazakhstan and abroad.

We currently have agreements with 41 universities in 9 countries for academic mobility including:

  • 1.Bulgaria-Kazakhstan Education Forum - Bulgaria
  • 2.University of Economics - Czech Republic
  • 3.Katowice School of Economics – Poland
  • 4.Rezekne Higher School – Latvia
  • 5.Gansu University of Political Science and Law - PRC
  • 6.Yeni Yüzyıl University - Turkey
  • 7.Maltepe University - Turkey
  • 8.Moscow Academy of Economics and Law - Russia
  • 9.Tashkent State University - Tashkent

What will you do after graduation?

  • legal expert;
  • consultant in the field of international law (in ministries and agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in representative offices of international organizations);
  • legal adviser;
  • attorney (on issues of foreign economic and foreign policy activities);
  • employee of law enforcement and national security agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • specialist in the apparatus of local public administration authorities, etc.

Where will you work?

  • departments on external relations of state authorities, ministries and agencies of the RoK;
  • law enforcement agencies, courts, advocacy, notary public;
  • national security agencies;
  • diplomatic and consular service authorities;
  • international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations;
  • commercial and non-profit organizations, as well as other organizations that ensure that the Bachelor of International Law is used for professional purposes;
  • academic and departmental scientific research organizations;
  • institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, secondary general education, additional education system.
6В04203 – «Customs Affairs»

The specificity of the educational program 6B04203 - "Customs Affairs" is determined by the fact that in the present period, the priority issue is the study of ways to optimize the process of customs clearance and customs control. Measures applied by customs authorities during customs control and customs clearance should be realized through a set of processes and actions aimed at improving interaction between all participants of control in order to obtain the most effective results. This can be achieved only through its proper organization.

Purpose of the educational program:

Development of students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of general cultural universal, general professional and professional competencies, taking into account the peculiarities of scientific and educational activities of the Academy and the needs of the labor market of the city, oblast; Preparation of graduates possessing general culture of thinking, ability to intellectual, cultural, moral, physical and professional self-development and self-improvement; Preparing graduates for the following types of professional activities: customs operations, application of customs procedures, collection of customs payments and carrying out customs control and other types of state control; organizational and managerial activities in the field of customs affairs.

Where will you work after graduation?

  • •Brokerage companies
  • •Customs border points
  • •State Revenue Department
  • •Logistics
  • •National security agencies
  • •Commercial and non-profit organizations
  • •Checkpoints for the movement of cargo and people (airports, railway stations)
  • •Custom management
  • •Customs declarant
  • •Customs logistics
  • •Prosecuting authorities
  • •Auditing department
  • •Customs control department
  • •International cooperation directorate
  • •Customs clearance specialist
6В04209 – "Customs clearance and customs control"

The specificity of the educational program 6B04203 - "Customs Affairs" is determined by the fact that in the present period, the priority issue is the study of ways to optimize the process of customs clearance and customs control. Measures applied by customs authorities during customs control and customs clearance should be realized through a set of processes and actions aimed at improving interaction between all participants of control in order to obtain the most effective results. This can be achieved only through its proper organization.

Purpose of the educational program:

Development of students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of general cultural universal, general professional and professional competencies, taking into account the peculiarities of scientific and educational activities of the Academy and the needs of the labor market of the city, oblast; Preparation of graduates possessing general culture of thinking, ability to intellectual, cultural, moral, physical and professional self-development and self-improvement; Preparing graduates for the following types of professional activities: customs operations, application of customs procedures, collection of customs payments and carrying out customs control and other types of state control; organizational and managerial activities in the field of customs affairs.

Where will you work after graduation?

  • •Brokerage companies
  • •Customs border points
  • •State Revenue Department
  • •Logistics
  • •National security agencies
  • •Commercial and non-profit organizations
  • •Checkpoints for the movement of cargo and people (airports, railway stations)
  • •Custom management
  • •Customs declarant
  • •Customs logistics
  • •Prosecuting authorities
  • •Auditing department
  • •Customs control department
  • •International cooperation directorate
  • •Customs clearance specialist

Implementing divisions:


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