Abdullina Leila Marsovna
Abdullina Leila Marsovna, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Kunaev University Law Clinic
L.M. Abdullina graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh State University in 1992, Faculty of Philology (diploma with honors). In 1998, she entered the Kazakh State Law Academy, from which she graduated in 2001. (diploma with honors, specialty – lawyer).
From 2001 to the present, she has been an associate professor in the field of Law at Kunaev University. Scientific and pedagogical experience is 26 years.
In 2004, she received a license to practice law, participated as a representative in the consideration of more than 400 civil cases, and is a legal consultant to the Almaty Chamber of Legal Consultants. L.M. Abdullina is the head of the Kunaev University Law Clinic. Under her guidance, students consult socially vulnerable segments of the population (pensioners, mothers with many children, people with disabilities, etc.) for free
. In 2008, she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Law on the topic "Personal human rights in the constitutional law of the CIS countries: a comparative legal study" He teaches the following subjects: civil procedure law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a workshop on drafting civil and procedural documents, personal non-property and property relations in family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legal support for business, the activities of a lawyer in civil and arbitration cases in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
L.M. Abdullina has more than 60 published scientific papers, including 1 monograph, 1 article with an impact factor, 4 textbooks, has 4 author's certificates, foreign scientific publications, has repeatedly participated in international scientific conferences, conducts career guidance work. Under the guidance of L.M. Abdullina, scientific articles by students of Kunaev University were published. Under her leadership, university students have repeatedly taken 1st and 2nd places at student conferences, legal tournaments at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Suleiman Demirel University.
For significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, she was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "S.Altynsarin", as well as the "Akhmet Baitursynov Gold Medal", the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.