Registrar's office department

Head of division

Akanova Nazym

Akanova Nazym


Contact phone number: +7 (727) 3507888 вн.555

Email address:


Office of the Registrar of Kunaev University

The creation of a unified registration service at the university is another step towards bringing the quality of education at Kunaev University closer to world standards. The registrar's office is a structural unit of Kunaev University, whose mission is to promote educational services with an individual approach to each student.

The strategic goal of the registrar's office is to ensure the improvement of the quality of education in the training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the modern labor market.

The registrar's office is the next stage in the introduction of a modern credit training system aimed at improving the quality of professional readiness of students, the comprehensive development of their creative abilities. The credit system allows the student to take an active part in the educational process and form an individual learning trajectory.

The registrar's office is a structural unit of the university as part of the head of the Akanova Nazym department, leading specialists Seilkhanova Dana, Rysbek Akerke and specialist Parymbek Altynay are supervised by the vice-rector for educational and methodological work and academic mobility, Ph.D. Ilyassova Baktgul.

Registrar's office is a service that records the entire history of a student's educational achievements from the moment of enrollment to graduation. Employees of the registrar's office provide advice to students and teachers on registration and re-registration for disciplines, as well as issue transcripts that reflect the student's progress. In the registrar's office, each student at a convenient time can receive timely and professional advice on any question regarding his studies, which meets the requirements of the Bologna process.

The main task of the registrar's office is to assist the student in achieving his main goal - to receive education according to the chosen educational program with a high quality of knowledge, skills, skills and competencies.

Registrar Office Tasks and Functions:

  • acceptance and preparation of documentation for students from the selection committee and other universities;
  • consultation of students on the educational process;
  • organization and conduct of milestone controls, examination sessions, intermediate control and final certification (registration and presentation of diplomas);
  • checking the progress and attendance of students;
  • organization and holding of summer semester;
  • preparation of transcripts and references;
  • issuing electronic student tickets;
  • registration and issue of duplicate diplomas and appendices;

Contacts and operating mode:

Address: Almaty, ul. Kurmangazy, d.107. cabinet 504.

Оperating mode: Monday-Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

Saturday: 9:00 - 14:00

Lunch break: 13:00 -14:00


Rysbek Akerke Ganikyzy

Rysbek Akerke Ganikyzy


Contact phone number: +7 (707) 1670973 вн.504

Email address:

Parymbek Altynai Kuanyshkyzy

Parymbek Altynai Kuanyshkyzy


Contact phone number: +7 (776) 213 00 52

Email address:

Seilkhanova Dana

Seilkhanova Dana


Contact phone number: +7 (727) 3507888 вн.555

Email address:


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